Monday 14 September 2015

Magazine Cover

Magazine Cover.

this magazine cover follows the codes and conventions by having a mast head, barcode, feature article photograph, headline,strap lines, pug/ear and a date and price.

The mode of address is done by telling the audience that the new superman movie is coming out 'superman returns' this is done with a splatter behind the word new movie which shows just how informal this magazine is to be able to tell the audience what they are trying to tell you but tell you in there terminology since this magazine is aimed at children.

However this magazine is also subverting the rules for magazines because normally when the feature article photograph is a person they look straight into the camera which grabs the attention of the reader by making it seem like the persons attention is on them where as in this photograph it seems that Superman's attention is on something else maybe something more important which could entice the reader to find out what superman is looking so seriously at, which would make the buyer want to buy the said item.


  1. Literacy point Alex, make sure you use a capital letter at the start of each new sentence and in the case of names, in this case Superman and the name of a film "Superman Returns".

    This is fairly good but it is a bit descriptive at times, for example you might have considered the use of colour and discussed how colour has been used to be eye-catching, and the use of informal and chatty language should be illustrated by the use of examples, e.g using "footy" for football.

    However, you have shown that you understand the codes and conventions of magazine covers which was the main purpose of this piece of work.

    1. Thank you sir i shall edit this piece of work as an improvement with the capital letters and i shall analyse the colour and chatty language in a deeper manor of understanding.
