Monday 18 January 2016

Analysing Moving Images Revision

Possible texts for study:-

  • Film trailer (any Genre)
  • Film clip (any Genre)
  • Adverts (definitely Multiple)
  • Documents
  • Music video (any Genre)
  • Extract from tv show (any Genre)
  • Game Trailers (any Genre)
  • Party political Broadcast
How can a moving image communicate their meanings to the audience?
  • Sound (Diegetic/non-Diegetic)
  • Camera Angles 
  • Representations
  • Colour
  • Editing
  • Mise-en-Scene (Setting, Costume, Lighting, Character appearance)
  • Semiotics (Verbal & Non-Verbal communication. Denotations (e.g. The Colour is pink) and Connotations(e.g. Pink CONNOTES femininity))
  • Narrative (the story unfolding)
  • Genre (the type of product and the signifiers (signs) of which genre it belongs to. (Including serial/series conventions))
Media language for moving image analysis.
  • Technical codes (Cinematography (Camerawork & Lighting) and Editing)
  • Sound (Diegetic and non-Diegetic sound, sound effects)
  • Codes (Action (what people are doing physically/emotionally), Enigma, Cultural, Symbolic)
  • Codes & Conventions (The way things are normally done in products of this kind and the extent to which this product challenges or reinforces it)

Beyonce Show me

Beyonce's stance shown in cosmopolitan shows her 'sexiness' as a strong independent woman but also shows her fun feminine side which contrasts with her outfit which is black. The black dress connotes masculinity and strength, also it has a very dominant connotation about it. The arrow instructing the audience to flip open is seen as an invitation to sit down 'flip open' the magazine and relax which would help endorse sales. Beyonce's stance is used to connote her sexiness and how curves are still seen as attractive however the hand on the hip can connote her asserting her dominance over a situation. The use of Beyonce's outfit shows her slim body shape also with the colour black it connotes an authority role over the reader and with the 'flip open' in the corner it is as if she is telling the reader to open up the magazine.