Monday 18 January 2016

Analysing Moving Images Revision

Possible texts for study:-

  • Film trailer (any Genre)
  • Film clip (any Genre)
  • Adverts (definitely Multiple)
  • Documents
  • Music video (any Genre)
  • Extract from tv show (any Genre)
  • Game Trailers (any Genre)
  • Party political Broadcast
How can a moving image communicate their meanings to the audience?
  • Sound (Diegetic/non-Diegetic)
  • Camera Angles 
  • Representations
  • Colour
  • Editing
  • Mise-en-Scene (Setting, Costume, Lighting, Character appearance)
  • Semiotics (Verbal & Non-Verbal communication. Denotations (e.g. The Colour is pink) and Connotations(e.g. Pink CONNOTES femininity))
  • Narrative (the story unfolding)
  • Genre (the type of product and the signifiers (signs) of which genre it belongs to. (Including serial/series conventions))
Media language for moving image analysis.
  • Technical codes (Cinematography (Camerawork & Lighting) and Editing)
  • Sound (Diegetic and non-Diegetic sound, sound effects)
  • Codes (Action (what people are doing physically/emotionally), Enigma, Cultural, Symbolic)
  • Codes & Conventions (The way things are normally done in products of this kind and the extent to which this product challenges or reinforces it)

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