Monday 1 February 2016

Analysis of a TV Crime Drama Clip

  • How is the genre of TV crime drama shown in the clip (Mise-en-scene, Characters, props, themes, sequences)
The genre is very clearly shown through the use of  Mise-en-scene with the use of the interviewing room which is completely grey with a table in the centre of the room. The characters costumes show that this is a crime genre due to us seeing a man in a police officer uniform. The props also connote the fact that it is a crime drama, through the use of a bloody handkerchief which shows that there is violence with in the scene where the man was punched in the face by his brother. The character being interviewed is very calm about the whole situation with his body language, not fiddling or being uneasy, if anything he makes the interrogation room seem like his living room as if he is in his element. 
  • Give examples of how camera angles and shots have been used effectively.
At the start of the scene you see the man being questioned through a high angle shot after being punched by his brother to show how he is a weak and inferior character in the scene which changes as the scene develops we see him taking back control of the situation as the questioning continues, as they sit down we see him through a medium shot which we also see the other police officers through the same camera angle  to connote equality as they hit a equal playing field when they are communicating verbally, as it continues we see him turn it all around upon the officers by telling them how wrong they are with picking up the incorrect files and by having a surveillance vehicle outside his home and as he is explaining to them that he wants it removed that equal playing field becomes more of him taking the high ground and having power over the officers which is why the scene ends on a low angle shot connoting power for the man being questioned.
  • How has meaning been created through the performance of the actors?
looking at how the man being questioned is presenting himself his performance shows his control over the situation, that the questions being presented are meant to make him crack under the pressure in fact makes him feel more comfortable knowing that the officers have nothing on him so they make unproven accusations so he knows that he now has the officers in his trap to shut everything down and prove to the officers that he has the control and he can turn this on them which would try to play mind games with the officers. We see the lack of fidgeting being noticed by the officers which makes them uncomfortable since he is giving no signs of uncomfort which is no signs of lying. The audience sees the man in question taking a drink which could connote him being calm as if he is sat in his home watching television not bing interrogated for two murders.
  • Assess the use of sound in the clip.
The diegetic sound of the officer banging the pictures of the groves in his car boot onto the dest that bang represents the fact hitting the man in question that the officers are piecing things together and making progress so it would only be a matter of time until he is caught for the murder of his first wife however the second bang makes him realise that they have already tried that and failed and this inquisition is about his second wife not the first. The sound of him being punched to the ground represents the man to be questioned is being knocked off of his podium that in fact he is going to be caught out and will be charged for the murder of both his wives.

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